Do not get sick in a foreign land! Don’t do it! ...I did it. In India, of all places, a dreaded ear infection. Amidst a full ministry calendar, following two days of pain, fever, and pointed prayer, it seemed prudent to supplement spiritual efforts with medical endeavor. (And yes, I believe in supernatural healing. Yet oft times God cures through human agency in the form of a doctor. Sort of like when I pray for my truck to start, then take it to a mechanic.)
My host readily drove me to the nearest “Hospital”. (Realize, traffic in India can give you a heart attack!) All sorts of folks assembled in quiet manner. Somehow I stood out, even as I sat silently. Medical personnel distinguished by white lab coats coasted about. A short loiter then I was ushered to an awaiting Physician. With professional ability and pleasant manner she accurately confirmed my self-diagnosis, inquired other appropriate background information (including elevated blood pressure: perhaps due to stress, or salty Indian diet), and aggressively prescribed a bevy of medications.
I am prepared. Brendalyn P.’s employment secures our health insurance. Wisely, I subscribe to supplemental travel insurance, which would if necessary, evacuate me to adequate medical care, anywhere in the world! I’ve got this covered.
As my friend paid the bill including pharmaceuticals, I inquired as to total cost. He was reluctant, desiring to offer fine Indian hospitality. Time for candor; I insisted, “Look, I’m going to give you money anyway, I always pay all my expenses. How much?”
He smiled. Held a few Rupees in his hand and slowly counted change. He then informed the cost was 400Rs. I asked if that was merely for medications or total, including Office visit. He replied firmly, “Everything!” Seeking clarity I inquired, “How much in U.S. dollars?” He calculated, “…About $ 8.00”.
You read right: 8 bucks.
You know, with the cost of health care in the U.S., staying alive is killing me!