Freshly minted from Seminary as a young pastor in Hawaii, in personal conversation I foolishly remarked, “I want to be a big fish in a small sea”. As life and ministry unfolded, never happened. Now, decades later, I am in fact, a small fish in a big sea.
Surrounded by azure blue, in Hawaiian waters we relish the Yellow Fin Tuna (Ahi); excellent for sashimi. The striking Swordfish offers a proud trophy photographed by successful anglers. The menacing Shark, well, he swims where ever he wishes. Then, there is the ubiquitous Manini. This diminutive guy, the size of your hand, featuring tiger stripes and protruding snout, nibbles innocently round the reef of every island. He pays no mind to larger legendary fish in ocean depths. He simply does what a Manini is created to do. Ask any Hawaiian, a trip to the shore is not complete unless shared with Manini. Truly, a tiny fish in a very big sea. And, content to be.
Swimming here and there, mostly there, is the nature of itinerant speaking ministry. I have no illusions: there are bigger fish in the sea, I am not one of them. That’s God’s business. Being faithful is my business. In Romans 12, Paul promotes sober self assessment amidst sovereign spiritual assignment. In verse 3 he pointedly advises, “…think with sound judgement, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.”
There is a lesson to be learned. I am still grasping it. More precisely, it is grasping me.
—Be Manini.