What to give to the person who has everything? Christmas conundrum. Equally challenging, is what to give to the person who has nothing! Think about it.
This Holiday Season, males of our species frantically descend upon crowded Shopping Malls, glazed eyes, credit card in hand, desperately seeking an acceptable gift. They haven’t got a clue as to perfume, jewelry, or designer bags. Their sole concern: just make her happy. (And, if truth be told, sadly in some cases, just keep peace.)
The key dynamic in gift-giving is the intent behind the offering. We all know, and often say such…especially if it is that obnoxious tie wrapped for Dad. “Well, it’s the thought that counts.”
Frankly, what you give someone does reveal your attitude toward them, and perhaps more so, about yourself! If you are creative, it is evidenced in your effort. If you are generous, quality, name brand, or price-tag strategically left on, touts it. If you are cheap; plain to see. It says something about them; and clearly, about you.
All this gift-giving madness started with the three Wise Men. Actually, it commenced with God before them. John 3:16, Romans 5:8, and I John 4:10 inform that our Creator’s prime motive was affection. He loved us enough to send His Son to secure our eternity. What does His gift say about us? Undeniably, we are in desperate need of a Savior. (Recall our original premise: what to give to the person who has nothing. Answer: a Redeemer.)
What does His gift say about Him? He thinks enough of us to give at infinite cost, the very best: Himself. In terms of God’s self-awareness, offering Himself is either extreme hubris, or eternal holiness. I’m banking on the latter.
The greatest gift at Christmas has been given by our God. No way to top Presents of Presence.