Working at my desk, my iPhone twinkled a WhatsApp instant message from overseas. A young-ish and gifted pastor from Guatemala, with whom I have worked closely in years past, is busily training indigenous pastors in the Amazon jungle of PerĂº!
This text message requested I send him notes from one of my past Missions Sermons. Serving as my translator previously, he recalled the basic concept and wanted to preach it in PerĂº for local pastors preparing to embark upon mission of their own!
Normally, said practice of sharing notes and preaching someone else’s sermon is questionable. But, I know this guy and trust him. Here’s the clincher. If my simple sermon thoughts can be transmitted by him to empower those Latin pastors to reach unreached tribal peoples of the Amazon, then in the words of the Apostle Peter, “Who was I that I could stand in God’s way?” !
Consider the chain of contributions: starting with the Holy Spirit - in me -through him - to them - ultimately touching persons and points beyond where we could never go!
This folks, is Kingdom Contribution. Whenever we share what we have, including prayerfully empowering this ministry, it bears manifold fruit. Just like Jesus said it would.