When we were kids, amidst fun and games, occasional conflict arose. Inevitably, the passionate objection rang out, “Who Made You Boss?” —Great Question!
That’s one I want to ask God.
Then again, I guess the very question implies that somebody already has to be in charge in order to determine who gets to be Boss! (Named Kalam Cosmological Argument, for scholars in the crowd.)
God willingly takes the title and the task. “Let there be no strange god among you. Nor shall you worship any foreign god. I am the Lord your God.” (Ps 80:9-10). I admit, to my finite mind, that sounds a bit narrow and presumptuous. Dare I say “Ego-centric”? At the very least, exclusive. The God of the Bible leaves no wiggle room when it comes to devotion. What gives Him the right? How can He demand, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”?
Before you pronounce me a brazen heretic, hear me out. The questions I have just posed, come from a sincere place. In fact, any adherent would be prudent to wrestle with such quandaries. Honest inquiry is the difference between faith and fantasy.
Now, to offer some unrefined answers from this same frail mind. First, if Sovereignty means anything, it denotes sole occupancy. You cannot have two Sovereigns. Besides, who wants to worship a god who is merely one of many? You may find yourself inexorably exploring options for one better.
Secondly, truth by definition implies non-truth (a.k.a. error). 2+2=4; only 4. Conversely, you can draw a crooked line only if a straight line exists. You can worship a false god only in deviation from the True God.
Thirdly, other belief systems on display in the ancient world of Biblical times were renowned for lurid promiscuity, cheapening human life (child sacrifice), capricious deities, and incarcerating adherents in endless fear.
Consider this: when you own something (not to mention create it), you have the inherent right to determine its destiny and loyalty. The God of Scripture is repeatedly stated to be our creator and redeemer. “I have ransomed you, I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Is 43:1) New Testament passages, too many to cite, refer to God purchasing our salvation at the price of His own Son. Name another Divinity to do that. ...Supremacy is costly.
Finally, God has a practical reason for insisting on sole allegiance. Simply: it works. Follow my logic …slowly.
Your Devotion affects your Values.
Your values affect your Character.
Your character affects your Impulses.
Your impulses affect your Behavior.
Your behavior affects Everyone, including You.
When the glory of God is defaced, the objective measure of truth is compromised. Right and wrong, good and evil become impossible to distinguish. Creation falters: chaos and cruelty ensue.
The God of the Scriptures is Holy. He calls us to be like Him. When we are, everybody wins.
God not only has the inherent right to be Boss, I’m glad He is!
…You got a better alternative?…