Soul Business

An American classic, M*A*S*H lives in timeless lore.  In one episode at the raucous Korean War Field Hospital, Chaplain Francis Mulcahy comforts itinerant Psychologist Sydney Freeman.  Captain Freeman bemoans his inability to emotionally restore a soldier struggling with battle fatigue.  The Counselor confesses, “When Doctors fail, they lose a body.  When I fail, I lose a mind.”  Father Mulcahy calmly retorts, “Yeah, and when I fail…I lose a soul.”

Ponder the poignance.  

This brief dialog underscores the high stakes of immortality.  When Jesus queried, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”,  He highlighted the exceeding value of the inner and the ultimate worth of the spiritual. 

Savor the significance.

Since my trade is eternity, and compassion is my currency; I labor with a heavy burden upon my shoulders.  Salvation promises infinite benefit, while the alternative, definite consequence.

Evaluate your estate.